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Ministries and Outreach

God, our Redeemer, we share a longing to minister as partners, together with you and each other. Our desire is shaped by your will, our commitment molded by your covenant.
(Words from the Liturgy of Evangelism, Moravian Book of Worship, copyright 1995)

Our Congregation supports the efforts of the Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church through our provincial pledge to the Southern Province of the Church.


The Board of World Mission (BWM) is the overseas mission sending and support agency of the Moravian Church in America. It continues the work begun in 1745 by the Society for Propagating the Gospel, North America’s oldest Protestant mission society. Founded in 1949, BWM acts on behalf of the Northern Province, Southern Province, and Alaskan Province of the Moravian Church and its affiliate Unity of the Brethren.


Moravian Day of Service


The idea for the Moravian Day of Service sprang from the 2018 Synods of the Northern and Southern Provinces. The Synods recognized that coordinated efforts of Moravians can help engage others in service and ministry and raise awareness of the Gospel message; that Moravians have always celebrated their faith through service and mission work locally, regionally and globally; and that Moravians derive a sense of collective unity and identity from serving together and with others.

The Day of Service isn’t a one-time thing but an annual event; it does not replace the great local mission work already happening in our congregations. The Day of Service offers a chance to rethink how your congregation interacts with your community and encourages you to make service to others an ongoing expression of God’s love for the world.


Covenant Moravian Church 

4126 S. College Road

Wilmington, North Carolina 28412

Pastor: Rev. Jeff Jones

Phone: 910-799-9256


Church Administrator: Crystal Baron





Copyright 2023 Covenant Moravian Church

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